
What‘s new on Solanart?

How about everything? For the past few months our team has been working hard on every front, from development to strategy to biz dev. We are beyond excited to present to you our new website, which comes with a new UX/UI, a new custom fees feature, a brand new API... the list goes on. Our goal is to offer the best NFT-buying experience on Solana.

Custom fees

It is something that we have thought about for a long time: lowering our fees.

Regarding the latest updates in the Solana ecosystem, instead of just lowering our fees, we have decided to try a system with custom fees for both the marketplace and creators.

For now, we are experimenting and depending on community feedback we may adjust the fees over time if needed.

Listing will be custodial (non-custodial coming soon 👀).

Just a note: When you list an NFT with custom fees it will be a custodial listing. If you list an NFT without editing the fees you will use the Auction House (non-custodial) program.

DISCLAIMER: Custom fees are not available for offers/global offers currently, but will be in the near future.



The new homepage is even more user friendly and responsive than the previous one. You will find the most important information regardless of whether you are a daily or an occasional trader.
  • Featured NFT
    The featured NFT is dynamic. Each time you visit Solanart, the lowest priced NFT from the best performing collection during the last 24 hours will be displayed.
  • Trending Collections
    You can check which collections have been trending during the last 5 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days. We live track all major marketplaces, not only Solanart.
  • Featured Collections
    The most recent collections that you do not want to miss will be shown here!
  • Highest Volume collections
    Collections with the highest trading volume will appear here. We track the volume of all marketplaces!

NFT Card

  • Modal window removed
    We have removed the modal window (pop-up) in order to improve the information visibility. Simply hover over the icon to see all attributes and other primary information.
  • Quick action
    When hovering over the card you will be able to use quick actions. Depending on the state of the NFT and whether you are the owner you will be able to buy, list or make an offer.
  • Options
    Click the three dots below the card to open a menu with options such as copy the direct link, add as favorite or view more about this NFT.

User menu

The user menu has been revamped and is available when you have connected your wallet to Solanart.

You will find:
  • Wallet Address
    The public address of your wallet which can be copied with one click.
  • Balance
    Your balance in SOL with the equivalent in USD (using Chainlink Price Feed).
  • Network Status
    The health stauts of Solana Network with the current transactions per second.
  • SOL Price
    The current estimated value in USD to $SOL (using Chainlink Price Feed).
  • Navigation
    Easily select the page you want: Owned NFTs, offers, favorited NFTs or activity.


We introduce a shopping cart covering the entire website enabling you to easily purchase NFTs from different collections.

Collection page

The biggest change on the collection page is the introduction of the shopping cart and the revamped top banner. We consider that the best layout is being able to see the NFTs of the collection without scrolling which is why we have significantly reduced the size of the banner.

To purchase an NFT using the shopping cart all you have to do is click on the NFT itself. If you want to see more information about the NFT, simply click on the three dots and select view more.


The search bar now includes collections, users and NFTs. This means that you can search the name of a specific NFT, a username, a wallet address or a collection.


Say goodbye to the old dashboard and public profile. You now have all information readily available in just a few clicks.


More and more users prefer to use their mobile phone for trading NFTs. Therefore we have given extra attention to mobile integration on our site and we will focus on mobile improvements going forward in order to give you the best experience possible.

Light/Dark mode

Now you can switch between light or dark mode as you prefer. The dark theme has been changed from dark blue to black and is the default theme. The color theme may be subject to change depending on community feedback.

Support chat

We have integrated a new support system in order to help users more efficiently. If you require any help or wish to give feedback, simply click the chat bubble at the bottom right of your screen to open a discussion with the Solanart support team.

A brand new API

We‘ve reworked and optimized the entire API in order to make it faster and more reliable. As a user you will see a difference in global speed. This will be especially noticeable in wallet and collections loading times.

All transactions on all marketplaces are updated in real time in order to provide the most accurate data possible. In the future, we wish to share our data with developers and partners in order to help them build useful tools for their community.

Under development

We are constantly building and improving this new version of the interface and the API. Your feedback is most helpful to us.

  • Translations
  • Messages with Dispatch (in progress)
  • Charts on collection/nft pages (in progress)
  • Create/Accept global offers
  • Live update of listings/sales (in progress)
Apart from all this, we have exclusive features and services in development which will be integrated with our trusted partners.

Follow us on Twitter and Discord to get the latest updates and information about Solanart.

Solanart Team